Sustainable Development

Employee Care

Respect employees and protect their legitimate rights and interests according to law

The company adheres to the principle of humanized management, respects the rights of workers, protects their legitimate interests, complies with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and continuously improves employee management. 

The Company does not use any form of forced labor, and any labor contract signed by any employee with the Company is voluntary. The company resolutely does not employ child labor, and implements appropriate mechanisms to verify the age of employees, ensure that the identity of employees is true and effective, and avoid child labor. Young workers and female employees are protected in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

The company respects employees and creates a just, fair and harmonious working atmosphere. It is prohibited to discriminate against employees in recruitment and daily management based on factors such as race, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, or marital status. In addition, the company does not allow inhumane acts such as violence, sexual harassment, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, bullying, and verbal abuse against employees.

Employee compensation and benefits

The company is committed to establishing a comprehensive compensation and benefits system, providing employees with various non cash benefits such as commercial insurance, children's education, and special benefits. We have developed and introduced convenient service for employees in five aspects: clothing, food, housing, transportation, and entertainment. There are complete living facilities such as supermarkets, dry cleaners, beauty salons, electric vehicle charging stations, banks, etc. in the park, and regular group buying promotions are organized. 

Employee career development and growth

The Company regards talent as one of the core competitiveness, adheres to the talent concept of "Talent First, Attracting and Nurturing First-class, Making the Best Use of Talent, and Growing Together", improves the talent management system in various aspects, and is committed to creating a diverse, fair, inclusive, respectful and safe working environment. We pay attention to the work and life needs of our employees, continuously improving their sense of belonging and happiness. 

The company implements the first-class talent strategy and is committed to cultivating talents, providing employees with sufficient and equal opportunities for learning and training. The company combines the personal development of employees with the development of the enterprise, providing employees with a multi-channel development platform, supporting them to freely choose development channels based on their own abilities and interests, and helping employees grow and realize their self-value.

Employee occupational health and safety

The basic responsibility of the company is to ensure the health and safety of employees and promote sustainable development, which is also the company's occupational health and safety policy. The company has an Occupational Health and Safety Management Committee, which includes a Safety Supervision Department to undertake the daily work of the Safety Committee. A company level safety meeting is organized every quarter to review and evaluate the company's safety production and operation situation, and to plan and clarify key safety work goals in the near future. The company also pays attention to the mental health of all employees. Each production department has established dedicated employee care and psychological counseling positions. Regular employee reception days and psychological counseling services are held to help employees solve problems in life or work, and become important ways for employees to relieve stress and maintain mental health.

Communication and Cooperation

The company fully respects and protects the rights of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining, regularly holds employee representative conferences, encourages employees to actively communicate with management, and enables employees to fully participate in the operation and management of the enterprise. When employees encounter major difficulties, the labor union promptly organizes relevant personnel to comfort and assist them.

The company provides employees with multiple channels for complaints and appeals, including hotlines, communication emails, and suggestion boxes. Through visits, surveys, employee discussions, satisfaction surveys, and other methods, the company understands the voices of employees, pays attention to their psychological state, and helps them solve practical problems. The company adopts strict identity confidentiality and protection measures for complainants and appellants, and strictly prohibits any form of retaliation. The company is committed to building a positive, open, and transparent communication mechanism, continuously improving employee satisfaction and corporate identity.